Just a thought on this first Father's Day wihtout my Dad...

Allow me to be honest...
Today is my first Father's Day without my Dad, Frank A. Clayton III. It's been difficult on my mother and sister especially. That is not to say that today has not been difficult for me. The day probably became most difficult when I dropped Cory off at the airport. On my ride back from the airport I slipped back into the state of "God why did you have to take my dad?"
Immediately after my father passed I went through a stage of being angry with God about taking my father's life. I was angry first because my father was a good Black man. He was ethical, loving and supportive (just to name a few....see the eulogy below to learn more about this great man). He was my buddy and I realize that in many black families a father like him is not always among the number. The second reason I was angry with God was because I figure "I still need him more than you do." As a young adult I am at a point in my life where I value Dad's opinoin and now know the right questions to ask. I figured if God is all knowing that he ought to know I need my father more then He does.
However, today I realized that I can count what I have gained or I can count what I have lost. Yes, I lost my Dad, but I gained a tremendous experience with an amazing man. Yes, I lost my Dad, but I gained the opportunity to witness a good father and husband. Yes, I lost my Dad, but I gained a confidant who I could trust in any and all situations. And the list could go on and on.
Today, I will count what I have gained and not what was lost.