The Trinity: Do we really recognize ALL of God?

The Trinity: Do we really recognize ALL of God?
Last week there was an article published in the Dallas Morning
Newspaper referencing a new book about TD Jakes. The book, T.D. Jakes America’s New Preacher, is written by Dr. Shayne Lee, professor of Sociology at Tulane University. The article states (Because I haven’t read the book) that the book focuses on the rise to fame of TD Jakes from an objective/academy perspective as opposed to the providential/spiritual. The book does sound quite interesting even though it costs $27.95 and has not been well publicized. (A copy of the article is located below this post)
But the reason I mention this is because of the observation that Dr. Lee has made about Trinitarian theology (theology of the trinity) within most Mega Churches. Dr. Lee notes that many of the mega churches, including the Potter’s House, place their emphasis/theology solely on Jesus and not on the triune God (Father, Son and Holy Spirit). Hold that thought…
In my systematic theology class (WHICH I AM LOVIN) we happened to start Trinitarian theology this week. Within our main text for the class, Faith Seeketh Understanding, the book talks about how as Christians our faith is “in” the triune God. That as Christians we believe in one (1) God who is three (3) beings/”persons”. Our Faith is in Father, Son AND Holy Spirit.
For me, Thus, our faith is IN God—the creator, God the redeemer—Jesus and in God the Holy Spirit—the spirit which first lived in Christ and now dwells in us as Christians.
Yet, I think Lee just might be right. One could easily say that the modern day faith is in Jesus alone.
I was even thinking about, how for so many churches the confession of faith has its central emphasis on Jesus and gives minor attention the other two begins of the triune God (God Himself and the Holy Spirit). In so many of the black churches I have been in I hear something along the lines of the following.
Repeat after me, “I believe that Jesus is the Christ, the son of the God. I believe that he died for my sins and was raised on the third day. Come and live in my heart. I am saved.”
My concern is that confessions, along these lines, give no clear definition to our belief in the triune God. Jesus is explicitly mentioned while God and the Holy Spirit take a back seat. What if those who have come to engage in a new relationship with God (the triune) didn’t really believe in God in the first place? Isn’t the confession of God first, just as important as our confession of Jesus.
Let me be clear that confession of Jesus is necessary, but it is Jesus who we believe now sits at the right hand of God. Thus Christ’s coming was to save us but it was also to point us toward God the father. Christ is a part of the trinity, lets be clear on that, but (for me!) Christ subordinate to God. Christ came and submitted His will to the will of God. This is evident when Jesus prays TO God asking for the cup to be taken away.
In a like manner, when we don’t explicitly recognize the role and life of the Holy Spirit we lead people to believe that there is this new “random” voice which lives inside. I think that this is often times why people do things and say, “God said.” Yet they find no confirmation in God’s Word, primarily because they haven’t looked. For so many, they do not even know what the Holy Spirit is.
Therefore, it is my recommendation that when people come forward to give their lives to God through the revelation of Christ that we clearly make them aware of all that comes with this confession. Hence, I would render the following confession of faith…
“I believe in God, who created the heavens, the earth and me. I believe that God loved me enough to send his son Jesus who came to die for my sins, was raised from the grave, and not sits at the right hand of God. And with the resurrection of Christ came the power of the Holy Spirit, which now lives in my heart and will assist me in understanding God’s scriptures, the revelation of Christ, and my own personal calling. Thank you for giving me the all of you, (God) in creation, (Christ) in redemption, and in (Holy Spirit) sustenance. By this, I am beginning a new, fresh and intimate relationship with the God who will never leave me nor forsake me. Amen!”
If Jesus is to be the way, the truth and the light then we must accept all of his ways, all of this truths and the fullness of his light. Let us not limit God by Jesus alone. Jesus came not that we would seek only him, but that his life might attest to His father.
I read in Essence some time ago that Mary uttered those same words... she said she opened her Bible, read some scripture, and said that she was saved.
(eye roll) All right, Mary. You're "saved" but you won't dedicate your life to God. You'll sing on about love but not about TRUE love.
C'mon now.
Uttering the words is much different from speaking in tongues, and dedicating your life to the Lord.
AS FOR THE TRININTY... a lot of churches are still mixing it up. The Father, The Son and the Holy Ghost are ONE. ONE ONE ONE ONE ONE. Why isn't this clear to folks?
God came down to earth, dressed in human flesh. Jesus was very God and very man. Hard to understand? Observe:
I have a father.
I call him Daddy.
My father is married to my mother. She calls him her husband.
My father had a mother and father. When they were alive, they called him son.
Look at that... my father is ONE MAN, but he is THREE in one.
Comprehende usted?
Si, si! I sure hope so!
I just wish churches would understand. And stop living this lie of SAYING that they're saved, when they're not.
Posted by
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3/08/2006 5:22 PM