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Wednesday, March 29, 2006 

Field Education Updates

Brief Updates…

This summer I will be doing my Field Education at Capital Health Systems hospital in Trenton.  I will be serving there with the Chaplin.  If you have been reading my Blog I reflected on this (1.26.06).

Additionally, next academic year I will be serving as the minister to youth at St. James AME Church in Newark. (www.stjamesame.org).  I am excited about this challenge as well.  St. James is a progressive AME church that really doing a great example of holistic ministry.

I am very excited.

About me

  • I'm Rev. Courtney Clayton Jenkins
  • From Cleveland Heights, OH, United States
  • I am a young woman in pursuit of her God given destiny. It is an interesting road to travel. I don't have it all together and a lot to learn. Step by step and day by day I keep pushing on. These are my thoughts about life, love, the Word and the world.
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