Thursday, December 01, 2005 

Wow a whole month hugh...

I know I know it has surely been forever since my last entry.  I do apologize.  School has been awfully busy and I have had a few days this week to rest (if that is what you what you want to call it).  

Anyway, Lets see what has been going on since my last entry (which I just realized was like a month ago…I’ll do better…you’ll see)

Well we had mid-terms which were very challenging, but I did make it through.  God blessed each exam in His OWN way.  Thank you JC.  What they seem to do here is give you EVERYTHING covered in class and not covered in class and say that it will be on the 50 minutes mid-term exam.  Come on people.  I am not saying that they should tell us exactly what is on each exam but you spend soooooooooo much time studying things that never show up. Perhaps they will appear on the final exam.

Speaking of which:  I cannot believe I have only 11 days of classes left.  Although exams aren’t until January it has amazed me that my time here at Seminary has moved so fast.  I felt like it was just yesterday that my parents were here helping me to move in.  I must say, however, that I don’t know how I would have made it through this semester without my Ethics and Politics Class and My Spiritual Disciplines class.  Those two electives were definitely ordained by God because they don’t require as much work as the others.  Well, they do but the work is not evaluated by tests or papers.  My other courses are quite demanding and I don’t know how I would have managed with other courses with required tests or texts.  God Blesses in God’s own divine way.

I feel like I have had quite a bit of growth since I have been here.  I have NEVER taken school this seriously.  My time in High School (with the exception of Science & Math) required no efforts at all.   Of course when I got to Spelman I think I developed hustling schools as opposed to study skills.  But now I am at a point in my life when I desire to really learn the material and understand it.  Not to just work for a grade.  Which interestingly I think has worked in my favor.  I came here saying that grades would not be my focus but rather to do my best.  And that is exactly what I have done and God has blessed as a result.  I don’t like living my life bound by grades; life is more then that, God is more than that.  Its like a salary (since I’m not working) people who make a lot of money don’t always enjoy what they do, but if you love what you do then the money will come.

I went home for a VERY SHORT thanksgiving break.  I had a Hebrew test this past Monday so my break was not a break.  I did enjoy the time with my family and I preached on Friday.  This was quite an awesome experience for me because I think I definitely had a break through in my preaching.  What a blessing that is because I have been praying that God would begin to really refine this gift (which will take a lifetime) which He has placed inside; and God did and is doing just what I asked.  It was a very uplifting experience.  

We were at Shaker Community Church for their fruit of the spirit service.  I didn’t know until I arrived that the services contained all women each addressed a different fruit.  I was assigned faithfulness.  (My sermon is below)  God moved and I am so humbly grateful for God’s presence.

Well I should go, but I will do better next week with an entry.
Be Blessed and reach for the stars!


Faithfullness @ Shaker Commuinty


When The Honeymoon...

When The Honeymoon Is Over…
Hosea 6:4,6

Marriage is a beautiful thing.   And although I have never been married I have surely been in love.  And the interesting thing about being in love is that being In-love will make you do crazy things.  

You know there is a difference between loving someone and being In-Love with someone.  When a couple who is In-Love and first marries, the music plays awfully loud, doesn’t it?  We can hear nothing but the tender voice of our lover.  If they ask us to do anything we jump at the opportunity to make them happy to serve them.  

And during the first few months, and for some even years, of marriage we stay on the island of love with our new found partner. Don’t we?  And during this time of honeymooning we are more certain than ever that
  • This is the one.  

  • This is the one that God ordained.  

  • This is the one who is called to be my rib.  

  • This is the one who will surely give birth to my children.  

  • This is the one who I will surely grow old with.  

  • This is the one whom I will love forever.  

  • BUT THEN…you have a disagreements.  

  • BUT THEN…the music slowly fades from the clear Bose surround sound stereo speakers to some raggedy janky blown out broke down speaker where you barely even make out the tune.  

  • BUT THEN…One disagreement becomes several arguments.  

  • BUT THEN…you begin to question who is this person that you have put your self in covenant with.  

  • BUT THEN…you wonder what happen to late night love affairs.  

  • What happened to pillow talk.  

  • What happened to dancing all night.  

  • What happen to the laughter all night.

  • What happened to the random gifts of appreciation and presence.

  • What happened to comments affirming your destiny

  • What happened to the whispering of sweet nothings.  

  • What happened, what happened, what has happened.  

  • What HAS happened is that the honeymoon is now over.
And the question for so many is what will you do now that the honeymoon is over.
  • Will you stay in covenant

  • Will you push on to see if the good days out way the not so good days.

  • Will you, in the words of Luther, “Love the one your with.””

  • Will you stay faithful

Well this question of fidelity was not only relevant to the Churches of  Galatia but it is also relevant to the Book of Hosea.  One of the major themes in the book of Hosea is fidelity.  Hosea the prophet is instructed, by God, to take Gomer, a prostitute, as his wife.  And God says to Hosea

  • Gomer will be unfaithful to you Hosea, but I want you to love her anyhow

  • Hosea, Gomer will lust after other men, but I want you to love her anyway

  • I want you to have babies with Gomer even though she will have babies with other men,

  • but I want you to continue to take her back,

  • I want you to continue to love her

  • I want you to take these wayward children in and care for them.

  • I want you to name them and I want you to love them.

  • And I want you to care for them.  
Basically, want God is saying to Hosea is that
  • even though you wife is unfaithful,

  • even though you wife will make you the laughing stock of this community,

  • even though your wife has the potential to interfere with others hearing the Words that I have given you,
I want you to remain faithful to her and I want you to love her unconditionally.

I want you to love her and stay faithful to her because this is what I have done with Israel.  
  • I have married Israel by covenant and

  • I have loved Israel and

  • I remained faithful until Israel

  • AND YET, Israel has lusted after other things,

  • AND YET, they have gone out and had babies by other gods.
Yes you have, God says,
  • You have remained faithful to your kings and not to The King of Kings.  

  • You have worshipped what I have provided, but you have failed to worship Jehovah Jireh The God who Provides

  • You have adored peace, but you have not adored Jehovah Shalom, The God of Peace.

  • You have stood in awe of your powerful armies and their victories, but you have not stood in awe of Jehovah Sabaoth, The God of Hosts.  

Within the context our key scriptures, vv 4 we learn that God is angry.  For God says to Israel and even to many of us today “Your love is like the morning mist like the early dew that disappears.” (Hos. 6:4)  God says,
  • Your faithfulness to me O Israel is sporadic.  

  • Your devotion to me is at your convenience.  

  • Your loyalty to me is only for a short time.  

  • Your commitment to me disappears daily.
But as soon as the sun rises, I can’t find you Ephrim, I can’t find you Judah.  

God wants our devotion to Him to be consistent.  
  • He doesn’t want us to be flightily.  

  • He doesn’t want us to be wishy-washy

  • He doesn’t want us to be inconsistent.  

  • He doesn’t want us to only come to Him when we need something.  

  • He doesn’t want us to repent just so we can get a blessing.
What God wants is all of     who     we      are, our very being, our very core, What God desires is our fidelity.

Which is ever evident in Verse 6.  The NIV sates that God says “For I desire mercy, not sacrifice, and acknowledgment” and not burn offerings.  The NIV uses the word “mercy;” but in the original Hebrew translation the word חֶסֶד is used.  In this context, חֶסֶד really means piety, or fidelity to natural obligations.  An example of a natural obligation would be to ones parents or spouse.  These are our natural obligations in human relationships.  

Well, God wants the same.  Since God is your creator and since God created you to be in relationship with Him, what God is looking for is your fidelity to Him.  

Additionally, the NIV uses the word acknowledge, or in the Hebrew דַעַת, but is important to note here the etymology of דַעַת, which makes reference to ones knowledge of obedience.  Therefore a better translation of the text would render, “For I desire fidelity, not sacrifice, obedience rather than burnt offerings.”

What does this fidelity mean for us in today’s world?  What is God trying to tell us when speaking through Hosea?  Hosea speaks parallel to the context of Paul in his letter to the Galatians.  The reason why Paul mentions faithfulness as a fruit of the spirit was because, like the Israelites under Hosea, the Galatians had lost the faithfulness of their original encounter with God.

For Paul writes the in the 4th Chapter of Galatians beginning at vv 13,

13As you know, it was because of an illness that I first preached the gospel to you. 14Even though my illness was a trial to you, you did not treat me with contempt or scorn. Instead, you welcomed me as if I were an angel of God, as if I were Christ Jesus himself. 15What has happened to all your joy?”

So what Paul is saying is this:  What happened to the “Fresh Wind, The Fresh Fire.”  What happened to your joy in Christ, what happened to your love of God.  What happened to your faithfulness?  Where is the enthusiasm that that you used to have for our God.  

Oh, you remember how you were when you first had an encounter with the divine God.  You were so faithful to God.  Whatever God said to do, you did.  You wanted every family member, every friend, ever co-worker to know about this God you encountered.  You were so in love with God and you desired to dwell in God’s presence.  

But God say’s now that the honeymoon is over, are you going to remain faithful to me.  And in being faithful, will you worship me, will you serve me, will you endorse me, will you agree with me.  

Now that the honeymoon is over will you still draw close to me, will you still long to know all that I am.  Don’t be like the early morning dew, don’t go away from me, don’t worship other things.  

Now that the honeymoon is over, don’t turn your back on me, but be faithful to me just as I have been to you.

About me

  • I'm Rev. Courtney Clayton Jenkins
  • From Cleveland Heights, OH, United States
  • I am a young woman in pursuit of her God given destiny. It is an interesting road to travel. I don't have it all together and a lot to learn. Step by step and day by day I keep pushing on. These are my thoughts about life, love, the Word and the world.
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