First week of Field Ed.

I have completed the first week of my Field education experience. For those of you who don’t know I am working at a hospital in Trenton. The experience thus far has been quite interesting.
There appears to be quite a bit of emphasis by my supervisor on my feelings. What is quite interesting is that while I am constantly asking other people how they “feel” about things, rarely do people ask me how I am “feeling”. While I feel somewhat in touch with my feelings, I am not used to verbalizing my feelings out loud (and making sure others can understand what makes sense in my head). Although this can be challenging for me at times, I think I will find it quite rewarding.
Today I engaged with some of the patients. I realized that while I enjoy the visits there are some underlying apprehensions that do arise. Memories of my grandmother, who was sick for nearly 14 years, arise. I remember what it was like visiting her, talking with her (although communication was challenging), combing her hair, brushing her teeth, washing her face. I also remember the care she received from the facility (no comment!)
My concern arises out of the fact that I, myself, have never been hospitalized. This is some concern of mine (but trust me I am not trying to get hospitalized) Yet hospitalization is a very intimate thing. So my concern lies in my desire to connect with people who are (A) in a place I have never been and (B) entering this intimate space in the lives of people who are ill. Yet I, thus fare, see a need to maintain my own practice of ministry which is to meet people right where they are.