Seed of Wisdom!

"It was clear that God always had the prerogative to do a new thing, even things not thought of before. To be Creator is to be free to act and to design. It is the freedom or free will of God with which the human spirit is indelibly marked. And if God's image is in all men and women, I believe that with this image comes the capacity to know God and to know God is calling each and every one to glorify him. And when men and women strive to be free, this desire is inspired by God. Such a longing let my black ancestors to sing, "Before I'll be a slave, I'll be buried in my grace, and go home to my Lord to be free."
~ Rev. Delores Carpenter, "The Journey I Have Known", in This is My Story: Testamonies & Sermons of Black Women In Ministry, edited by Cleophus J. LaRue