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Sunday, April 30, 2006 

Thank You

Who ever knew that walking across those green blades of freshly cut grass would be my encounter with destiny? A divine appointment from the King is what I have received in you. As you took my hand to bring me greetings, what I did not know was that my world was being transformed. The small airwaves began to move at a pace which I never knew.

And I never anticipated this encounter. I did not come looking for this finely wrapped package; which the King, himself, spent a lifetime preparing. I must admit that I was overwhelmed. I must admit that, out of fear, I sought to choose my own path. The truth is: I felt unworthy of this gift.

But you knew better than I. Why? Because you knew that the appointment was real. Why? Because you knew “he that findith...” Yet, you sought me, even when I did not want to be found.

And the truth is: I thank you!

The truth is: I love you!

About me

  • I'm Rev. Courtney Clayton Jenkins
  • From Cleveland Heights, OH, United States
  • I am a young woman in pursuit of her God given destiny. It is an interesting road to travel. I don't have it all together and a lot to learn. Step by step and day by day I keep pushing on. These are my thoughts about life, love, the Word and the world.
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