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Friday, August 19, 2005 

Starting to open up...

I am beginning to like this Blog.  I just pray that my passion for it continues once school starts.  Just a few weeks away.  Time is moving so quickly.  My going away party is Sunday (8.21.05), I preach my final sermon at Mt. Zion (8.28.05 / 10:00 and 12:00), I pack up all my stuff up (9.4.05) and hit the road (9.6.05)  Time is a movin’ and I’m trying to keep up.

But the truth is I have such mixed emotions about this next stage in my life.  I know that this is the place which God has called me to but it is a step I need God to walk me through.  

This year my focus has been on unconditional love.  I am so glad that this is the place God wants me at right now.  This year God has reminded me that He loves me unconditionally and I in turn have been working to love others unconditionally.  But now God has made it clear that it is time for me to learn to love God unconditionally.  What I mean is that I am on my way to seminary where I may learn some truths about my living God that I may not like.  But I have to choose to love God unconditionally.  But what I love about God is that God is consistent.  Thank You!

In this season of unconditional love I am falling deeper in love with God.  
The things I do.  The things I say.  The thoughts I think.  
God is amazing and stealing my heart.  

I am dissatisfied with my discipline in my prayer life.  But I think that will get better with time and with Seminary.  Chesla and I plan to pray together on a regular basis.  So that will help.  But what I do know is that God is moving me to a place where I can’t afford to not pray.  I do notice that I am constantly in a state of Worship.  It’s wonderful.  I think in many ways this Blog will become a part of my prayer life.  I tend to write when I feel the spirit present.  And I always pray that what I write will bring Glory to God and refine me as a creation.

Well, until the next time the spirit moves…


P.S.  – I hope you get to see my pictures below.  

About me

  • I'm Rev. Courtney Clayton Jenkins
  • From Cleveland Heights, OH, United States
  • I am a young woman in pursuit of her God given destiny. It is an interesting road to travel. I don't have it all together and a lot to learn. Step by step and day by day I keep pushing on. These are my thoughts about life, love, the Word and the world.
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